
Marketstar: Delivering 10X ROI on Revenue Growth for the Biggest & Brightest Companies

 Keith Titus,  President and CEO

Keith Titus

President and CEO

India’s sales and marketing outsourcing landscape is undergoing a dynamic transformation fueled by the country’s digital boom, increasing tech integration across all segments, and greater demand for adaptable specialized skills capable of staying abreast of market demands. Within this realm, MarketStar, a 1988 established international firm head quartered in Ogden, Utah with a true global presence, stands as a transformative partner that pioneered the outsourced sales model. Founded with the vision of revolutionizing traditional sales app-roaches, MarketStar, today offers a robust suite of services beyond mere conventional sales outsourcing solutions.

End-to-End Revenue Growth Services

Beyond outsourcing full-cycle sales services, MarketStar offers end-to-end solutions beginning from demand generation and extending to Revenue Operations (RevOps), comprehensive digital marketing strategies, advanced customer and sales analytics, extensive global operational support, and customer success solutions, all within the B2B market. Committed to driving revenue at every stage of the buyer journey, MarketStar has played a pivotal role in the revenue success and prominence of major global enterprise companies, as well as startups toward IPO.

What sets the firm apart is its strategic approach to designing, deploying and executing bespoke revenue-focused growth programs. The proficient use of geographically aligned resources and talent, and powerful integration of advanced customer and sales analytics that improve
decision-making and performance, help MarketStar become an extension of the client’s revenue engine. “We understand what it means to grow beyond expectations at every stage of the customer lifecycle. Our deep domain know-how, strong backbone in tech and our world-class process enables us to deliver growth and drive ROI”, shares Priscilla Selwine, Global SVP of Marketing, MarketStar.

MarketStar’s global success stems from its world class, seasoned senior leadership with a combined 200 years of experience in designing and executing revenue and go-to-market growth programs for global brands. All this in tandem with a dynamic and motivated team focused on embracing and creating new trends across every industry it caters to.

“MarketStar’s global success stems from its powerful senior leadership with a combined 200 years of revenue growth experience in the industry”

Charting Growth Since Inception

Since inception, MarketStar has emerged as an industry trailblazer, boasting a rich legacy of leadership and client satisfaction for more than 36 years. As a forward-thinking and agile entity, MarketStar is positioned at the forefront of innovations enabling key clients to ascend to industry prominence across various sectors, from PC hardware in the 90s to mobile in the 00s and social media and digital advertising today. “We set out on a five year vision to transform MarketStar into a premier end-to-end revenue outsourcing agency - the best in the world.

This transformation involved expanding our service capabilities and acquiring talent that could provide services across the entire buyer journey, from demand generation and active sales to customer success and revenue operations. With our talented people in India, we have delivered on that vision in assembling unmatched capabilities and delivering consistent results for our clients worldwide”, adds Keith Titus, President and CEO, MarketStar.

Through its journey, the company has helped companies scale revenue toward successful IPOs, reinvented GTM strategies with established enterprise brands, and delivered sustainable and profitable revenue growth at every step. They have set industry records by forging strong client partnerships lasting years and decades, and have expanded globally in key locations like Dublin, Sofia, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and the Philippines – providing a global solution that provides the localized mix needed to get the most out of each motion. As the firm looks ahead, it aims to steadily move forward with its future expansion initiatives, ensuring a sustained growth trajectory that sets it apart from its competitors.