SAM Husaini
Founding President & Chief Strategy Officer
PROCREALLIGENCE is a lean, cost effective agency that strives to provide their clients with Blue Ocean Strategy Solutions. It tries to take uncontested market space, making the competition irrelevant. "Our mission at PROCREALLIGENCE is to help businesses flourish in the VUCA world," SAM Husaini says.
PROCREALLIGENCE believes the future
belongs to millennial and Generation Z. The company's unique selling point is that it specialises in youth oriented strategies to help brands keep up with the fast paced world. It comprehends how young people interact with brands, as well as how they think, feel, and act. Because of its extensive geographical reach, the company attracts the best talent from all over India. The 'Hub and Spoke' model allows it to deploy the best resources for its clients at boutique prices.
PROCREALLIGENCE's services are divided into four categories: brand creation, 360-degree integrated communications, organisational transformation and development, and corporate communications. PROCREALLIGENCE identifies the purpose and positioning of the brand, before developing a personality that distinguishes it so that customers find it relatable and interesting. 360 Integrated Communications provides digital marketing services ranging from B2B to B2C outreach/engagement strategies, market segmentation and targeting, and integrated marketing communication strategies (content creation, community management, digital and influencer outreach, and more).The company helps articulate employer branding strategies and manages the necessary culture change for high performance results under the category Organizational Transformation and Development. To ensure a strong corporate reputation, Corporate Communications strategically manages public relations, crisis management, and strategic key messaging. By avoiding unnecessary overheads, the company ensures it stays within the client's budget.
Measuring Growth through Client’s Success
The PROCREALLIGENCE teams: The various creative teams are based in different locations, such as Bangalore (which handles Indian clients) and the Gurgaon office (which handles Middle East, Africa, and US clients), collaborating perfectly in a digital ecosystem. The teams believe in adding value through their services and measure their success by the success of their clients, because they are idea-driven and goal oriented.
PROCREALLIGENCE has been successful in all its endeavours thus far. From its first client, MOM (Meal of the Moment), a Ready-to-Eat brand, to running B2B marketing campaigns for companies like Geberit Pluvia (Toyota's chosen technology partner for roof drainage), it has never let its clients down in terms of creative and strategic inputs that helped them achieve their goals. It has developed several projects and retainer based relationships in India and abroad. PROCREALLIGENCE intends to maintain relationships with existing clients in India, the Middle East, West Africa, and the United States, while also reaching out to new clients using a Blue Ocean Strategy Mindset.
PROCREALLIGENCE's services are divided into four categories: brand creation, 360-degree integrated communications, organisational transformation and development, and corporate communications. PROCREALLIGENCE identifies the purpose and positioning of the brand, before developing a personality that distinguishes it so that customers find it relatable and interesting. 360 Integrated Communications provides digital marketing services ranging from B2B to B2C outreach/engagement strategies, market segmentation and targeting, and integrated marketing communication strategies (content creation, community management, digital and influencer outreach, and more).The company helps articulate employer branding strategies and manages the necessary culture change for high performance results under the category Organizational Transformation and Development. To ensure a strong corporate reputation, Corporate Communications strategically manages public relations, crisis management, and strategic key messaging. By avoiding unnecessary overheads, the company ensures it stays within the client's budget.
Measuring Growth through Client’s Success
The PROCREALLIGENCE teams: The various creative teams are based in different locations, such as Bangalore (which handles Indian clients) and the Gurgaon office (which handles Middle East, Africa, and US clients), collaborating perfectly in a digital ecosystem. The teams believe in adding value through their services and measure their success by the success of their clients, because they are idea-driven and goal oriented.
PROCREALLIGENCE has been successful in all its endeavours thus far. From its first client, MOM (Meal of the Moment), a Ready-to-Eat brand, to running B2B marketing campaigns for companies like Geberit Pluvia (Toyota's chosen technology partner for roof drainage), it has never let its clients down in terms of creative and strategic inputs that helped them achieve their goals. It has developed several projects and retainer based relationships in India and abroad. PROCREALLIGENCE intends to maintain relationships with existing clients in India, the Middle East, West Africa, and the United States, while also reaching out to new clients using a Blue Ocean Strategy Mindset.