Why Virtual Events Have Become The New Normal Of Today!

With over two decades of effusive experience, Anubhav has transcended in sectors like Virtual Events, Video APIs, and Unified Communication.
It is indeed true that Virtual Events were in existence for a long time and the concept is not foreign. However, their significance hit our lives only last year when the pandemic broke out. A large percentage of marketers may have never even thought of hosting virtual events, and yet today have pivoted successfully, as physical events have become an impossible reality in the near future. Majority of event professionals have already graduated to Virtual Events, whereas, physical events have been postponed! As per reports, this has provided a nudge to the global Virtual Events space, and it is slated that digital events are here to stay and will grow at a rate of 23.2 percent from 2020 to 2027. In the pandemic riddled world, internal training, client conferences, and meetings all have become, virtual. Event companies around the globe have viewed this as a massive opportunity to leverage new technologies and offer a plethora of benefits for contributing to the popularity of successful virtual events.
Virtual Events have a wider reach, better interactivity, and visibility, thus, it is an equally immersive experience.With new innovations and digital technologies, this space will only thrive more and is believed to be preparing the world for a digital world. A market survey by Martech last year has highlighted that 66 percent of marketers adhered to not attending inperson events until there was an effective vaccine in place. Digital is not going anywhere but has in turn given rise to a new concept of events. Event planners worldwide are adapting to the new change in the dynamics by leveraging advanced technologies by tech enthusiasts. The companies have already mastered this and are moving steps ahead to elevate the level of engagement and interaction.
AR/VR simulations, gamifications, and facial recognition are some ways in which marketers are trying to elevate the Virtual Event experience. Further, web developers are also utilising 3D matrix for an eye catchy interface, attract more users, and perhaps, also drive better quality of engagement online. Virtual platforms are extremely advanced and diversified. They can be easily customized to create a digital session as per the customer preferences. For instance, one can easily choose to alter the number of exhibition halls, auditoriums, and reception layouts, to keep the audience hooked and provide a captivating environment for viewers. These digital events are easy to host and reach a wider audience, offer the marketers flexibility of choice on the formats, and engage levels of the audience. So, the benefits of Virtual Events are endless. With intelligent strategies and advanced technology, organisations are now effectively making use of the potential of Virtual Events. It also makes a platform universal, by allowing the audiences to connect globally and not restricted by time or location barriers.
With the popularity of Virtual Events, the next step for organisations is to pay extra attention to deliver quality content that is capable of engaging large audiences. While digital platforms offer wider reach, the challenge remains on how we keep the audiences hooked to the content, which will be the next break through in the Virtual Events. Catering to your audience is one of the major factors in any Virtual Event. Now, marketers as well as event professionals need to innovate in making formats even more interactive and submerge with informative views to have a wider impact.
It is indeed true that Virtual Events were in existence for a long time and the concept is not foreign. However, their significance hit our lives only last year when the pandemic broke out. A large percentage of marketers may have never even thought of hosting virtual events, and yet today have pivoted successfully, as physical events have become an impossible reality in the near future. Majority of event professionals have already graduated to Virtual Events, whereas, physical events have been postponed! As per reports, this has provided a nudge to the global Virtual Events space, and it is slated that digital events are here to stay and will grow at a rate of 23.2 percent from 2020 to 2027. In the pandemic riddled world, internal training, client conferences, and meetings all have become, virtual. Event companies around the globe have viewed this as a massive opportunity to leverage new technologies and offer a plethora of benefits for contributing to the popularity of successful virtual events.
Virtual Events have a wider reach, better interactivity, and visibility, thus, it is an equally immersive experience.With new innovations and digital technologies, this space will only thrive more and is believed to be preparing the world for a digital world. A market survey by Martech last year has highlighted that 66 percent of marketers adhered to not attending inperson events until there was an effective vaccine in place. Digital is not going anywhere but has in turn given rise to a new concept of events. Event planners worldwide are adapting to the new change in the dynamics by leveraging advanced technologies by tech enthusiasts. The companies have already mastered this and are moving steps ahead to elevate the level of engagement and interaction.
AR/VR simulations, gamifications, and facial recognition are some ways in which marketers are trying to elevate the Virtual Event experience. Further, web developers are also utilising 3D matrix for an eye catchy interface, attract more users, and perhaps, also drive better quality of engagement online. Virtual platforms are extremely advanced and diversified. They can be easily customized to create a digital session as per the customer preferences. For instance, one can easily choose to alter the number of exhibition halls, auditoriums, and reception layouts, to keep the audience hooked and provide a captivating environment for viewers. These digital events are easy to host and reach a wider audience, offer the marketers flexibility of choice on the formats, and engage levels of the audience. So, the benefits of Virtual Events are endless. With intelligent strategies and advanced technology, organisations are now effectively making use of the potential of Virtual Events. It also makes a platform universal, by allowing the audiences to connect globally and not restricted by time or location barriers.
With the popularity of Virtual Events, the next step for organisations is to pay extra attention to deliver quality content that is capable of engaging large audiences. While digital platforms offer wider reach, the challenge remains on how we keep the audiences hooked to the content, which will be the next break through in the Virtual Events. Catering to your audience is one of the major factors in any Virtual Event. Now, marketers as well as event professionals need to innovate in making formats even more interactive and submerge with informative views to have a wider impact.