Cover Story
Merit Group: Empowering Brands to Maximise Potential & Optimise ROI
Do you remember the scene from Steven Spielberg’s 2002 sci-fi hit Minority Report that narrated the story of 2054 where an advertisement at Gap store scans Tom Cruise’s retinas and begins speaking to him:“Welcome back to the Gap Mr. Yakamoto, how are those assorted tank tops working for you?”Although Spielberg was spot on about the future of marketing, his timing was off, as big data has brought the personalized 1:1 marketing paradigm much closer to the reality than he envisaged.Marketing Automation technology beingthe major catalyst that’s ushering the marketing industry towards such a healthy era where marketing executives are pitching a product with relevant information in the hands of customers/prospect customers who have the right to have it, rather than annoying random...
Creating Perfect Marketing Match for Your Business
Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor
Jignesh Maniar, Founder & CCO, OnAds Communication
The Changing Dynamics of Marketing in a Digital World
Sudha Sarin, VP Marketing & Communications, Power2SME
Getting Your Cloud Journey Right: Well Begun Is Half Done
Mitesh Agarwal, Group Vice-Pre sident - Key Accounts, Oracle India
How Interactive Smart Video will Benefit the Marketing & Advertising Industry
Savvy Dilip, Co-Founder, VideoTap
New Trends in Digital Advertising
Umang Mathur, Founder & CEO, i Media Networks
The importance of Customer Relationship Management in today’s digital age
Sudheer Prabhu, Chief Information Officer, Fullerton India Credit Company Limited
CIOs Should n't See OpenStack and Public Clouds as an Either/Or Proposition
Shelton Shugar, CIO, Barclaycard